Prevent Respiratory Diseases at Events
Prevent the spread of germs like the flu, stomach bugs (Norovirus) and COVID-19.
- Encourage staff, volunteers and participants to protect themselves and others. Stay home when sick, wash hands frequently, keep immunizations up to date, and more.
- Post signs at your event on how people can protect themselves and others.
- Provide hand washing and hand sanitization stations.
- Take steps to improve the indoor air quality at your event. Bring in fresh outdoor air into rooms, improve air flow, and filter and disinfect air.
- Ensure the venue has enough space for the number of people anticipated at your event. Participants should be able to spread out and maintain comfortable distances from one another.
- During respiratory illness season in the fall and winter, offer masks and encourage mask wearing. Share and post signs on how to put on and take off a mask. Read more on face covering and mask use.