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Healthy Schools

The Healthy Schools Program aims to improve the overall health and well-being of school aged children and youth in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark. The Health Unit’s school team supports school communities in the following ways:

Health Education Supports & Resources. Consultation, resources & in-class support on priority topics. Building capacity of principals, teachers, parents/caregivers & community partners.
Health Education
Supports and Resources
Student Engagement. Training & supporting student champions to implement health & wellness initiatives.
Student Engagement
Social & Physical Environment Support. Support the implementation of school health policies & activities related to social emotional learning & the physical school environment.
Social and Physical
Environment Support
Home, School & Community Partnerships. Collaborate with parents/caregivers, educators, students & community partners to foster a healthier school community.
Home, School and
Community Partnerships
Liaison. Connect the school community to Health Unit and community partners’ resources & services.

The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit’s school health team consists of Public Health Nurses (PHN), a Registered Dietitian and an Administrative Assistant. The team is supported by other public health professionals such as Health Promoters, Tobacco Enforcement Officers, Public Health Inspectors (PHI), the Oral Health Team with Registered Dental Hygienists and Certified Dental Assistants, and an Immunization Team.

Each school has an assigned Public Health Nurse who works in the school’s geographic area. The School Public Health Nurse is a capacity builder, facilitator, and advocate for school health. They can assist school communities to identify strengths and health concerns in order to build healthier school environments.

More specifically, the School Public Health Nurse can assist schools by:

  • Navigating the Health Unit’s resources and services (e.g., facilitate consultations with other public health professionals).
  • Providing consultation, resources and *in-class support (e.g., related to curriculum, healthy school environments).
  • In-servicing principals, teachers, parents, and community partners on a variety of health related topics and programs.
  • Supporting healthy school committees, whole school initiatives, and health policies and practices.
  • Connecting parents with support.
  • Training and supporting student champions to implement wellness initiatives.
  • Connecting the school community to services and programs offered by community partners.

*Your school’s Public Health Nurse may be able to provide in-class support or co-facilitate lessons on certain topics, with the intention of building the comfort and capacity of the educator.

To connect with your school’s Public Health Nurse, email: [email protected].

Quick Links

Healthy School Programs and Services Guide
Grade 7 Immunizations
E-Bits Newsletter
Smoking/Vaping and the Law
Community Resources for Children and Youth
Head Lice
Sexual Health Clinics

School Health Questions?
Email: [email protected]

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