Immunization for All Ages
Starting school or daycare? We need your child’s immunization records. We do not receive them automatically from your health care provider.
Parents can send the information to the Health Unit:
3 Façons de fournir le dossier d’immunisation de votre enfant au Bureau de santé
- Health Card not required, but is very helpful information
Mail or drop off immunization records
- You can send to the Health Unit by mail, or drop it off at any Health Unit office location.
Grade 7 immunization program is happening again this fall.
Find out more about the vaccines given and how to provide consent.
Do you need your immunization records for college or university?
School Immunization
March 2024
Grade 7 Immunization Program, Parent update for students in grades 7 -12
- Meningococcal ACYW-135 one dose (required)
- Hepatitis B two doses, 6 months apart (optional)
- HPV 9 two doses, 6 months apart (optional)
- Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Tdap) booster (required after age 14)
Grades 9 – 12 Students
- Many of these students were late in starting to receive these vaccines because of the COVID-19 restrictions.
- In-school immunization clinics for Grades 9-12 were held in the 2022-2023 school year and many students were fully immunized by the end of these clinics.
- To see if your student still requires any more doses of these vaccines, please go to the online portal to look up their record. You will need their health card to do this.
- If your student is not fully immunized yet, there is an upper age limit to finish the series with free vaccine. These vaccines (other than the Tdap) are not available at your family health care provider.
- The Health Unit provides immunization clinics in five locations in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark where your student may receive the missing vaccine doses. Book an appointment here.
Grade 7 and 8 Students
- In September each year, an immunization consent form is sent home from school with grade 7 students.
- The Health Unit Immunization Team comes into the school in the fall and spring of each year to provide immunizations to students who have submitted a signed consent form.
- After each dose of vaccine administered your student will be given an “Immunization Notification” to take home, which will indicate the vaccine(s) that was given on that date.
- If your student is absent, unwell, or refuses to receive a vaccine, their signed consent form will be kept by the Health Unit Immunization Team. The team will call your student down during their next clinic at the school to offer the missing vaccine. This will happen up until the end of grade 8 or if the student attends a Health Unit Immunization clinic instead.
- If the student has not completed all doses by the end of the grade 8 year a “Notice of Missed doses for Immunization” will be sent home with the student. This notice will include what vaccine needs additional doses and how to book an appointment at the Health Unit.
For a list of upcoming school immunization clinic dates, please go to our Grade 7 Immunizations page.
The Importance of Immunizing
Immunizations, also known as vaccinations, are a safe and effective way to protect against many serious diseases. Vaccines work with your body’s immune system to prevent serious illness and possible long-term consequences from the disease.
In Ontario, required and recommended vaccines are provided free of charge. Ontario’s routine immunization schedule outlines the expectations for which vaccines and how often they should be given.
- Do you need your immunization records for college or university
- Immunize Canada – National Immunization Awareness Week Video

Immunization Records
In partnership with our area schools and daycares, the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit collects and maintains children’s immunization records.
This meets legal requirements under provincial legislation. It supports a quick response if a child or staff member in a licenced daycare or school does contract a communicable disease. We can quickly identify who is at risk and take steps to prevent the further spread of the disease.
You are able to view your child’s immunization records stored by public health through Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON).