Drinking Water
Safe drinking water keeps our families healthy. The Health Unit is here to help make sure everyone is drinking safe water by providing a water sampling service for homeowners. Health Units are also responsible for making sure our local businesses that offer water to the public are sampling their water and that the businesses are providing safe water to the public.
If you live in a rural area and you have a well on your property you can have your well water tested for free through the Health Unit. We provide several locations where you can pick up and drop of well water sample bottles. Public Health Inspectors will help you understand your drinking water sample results and provide you advice on how to fix the problem. The Health Unit well water sampling program tests for bacteria, testing for minerals and chemicals can be done through a private lab. Learn more about how you can protect your drinking water by downloading the Ground Water Protection Workbook.
Small Drinking Water Systems
In our rural areas, owners of businesses that offer drinking water to the public such as restaurants, gas stations, and recreational facilities are required to provide safe water. These systems are inspected by Public Health Inspectors under Regulation 319. A directive is issued to the system owner requiring them to sample the water and take any action necessary to make sure the drinking water is safe.
Droughts and Floods
Droughts and floods can cause contamination in your well water. It is important to test your water during times of drought or if you experience flooding on your property.