Hospitals, LTC/Retirement Homes
Alerts – Emerging Diseases
Public Health Ontario’s home page includes “Hot Topics” which reviews in detail the current information on circulating or emerging diseases.
Diseases of Public Health Significance (DOPHS) Dashboard
The following dashboard provides recent data on Diseases of Public Health Significance (DOPHS) in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark, as reported through the integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) databases. Data is updated monthly to ensure the most current and accurate DOPHS information. The dashboard provides case counts, proportions, monthly and annual trends, disease group trends, and case demographics, etc.
Simply open the link and choose the category tab that interests you.
Health Care Professionals – Immunization Resources
Reportable Diseases Toolkit
On this site, you can find up-to-date, credible information on diseases of public health significance including symptoms, testing, and treatment.
5-Step Quick Reference Post Exposure Prophylaxis Guide
This document provides guidance to health care workers who may need to assess and manage possible exposures to blood or body fluids that are capable of transmitting Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Exposed individuals may include health care workers or emergency service providers, who in the course of their duties accidentally sustain an injury which could mean a potential exposure.