Reportable Diseases Toolkit
To report a disease or for more information, please contact: The Infectious Disease Program Phone: 1-800-660-5853 Fax: 613-345-5777
Timely reporting of diseases of public health significance as soon as a suspect case is identified is essential to monitor the health of the community and to provide the basis for preventive action.
The following diseases are designated as a disease of public health significance under the authority of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario Regulation 135/18 and Regulation 569.
Access all 68 Reportable Diseases here:
- Interactive Reportable Diseases Poster
- Via the alphabetical list below
Welcome to the online Reportable Diseases Toolkit for Health Care Professionals! The goal of this toolkit is to improve accessibility to credible information on the 68 designated diseases of public health significance and to provide it in a format that is quick and easy to use.
The Reportable Diseases poster or alphabetical list will be your access point. Simply click on a disease to open an information sheet that includes: reporting requirements, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis and testing, treatment and case
management, patient fact sheet, and additional resources with links attached.
It’s your one-stop reference page for easy access to up-to-date disease specific information.
As you browse this toolkit, keep in mind the following:
We welcome your feedback on the use of this toolkit at: [email protected]. Please do not include confidential information. You can also call 1-800-660-5853 to speak to a member of our Infectious Disease Team. We value your input and will take your comments into consideration as we continue to review and update this resource.
Reporting Form:
Timely reporting of communicable diseases as soon as a suspect case is identified is essential. The electronic notification form is available on the poster and on each disease specific sheet. Please fax the completed form to the Health Unit at 613-345-5777.
The main reference for this toolkit is: Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Infectious Diseases Protocol, 2018.
It is beyond the scope of this toolkit to provide treatment recommendations with the exception of several diseases that require chemoprophylaxis and are listed in the MOHLTC, Infectious Diseases Protocol, 2016, Appendix A. The Anti-infective Review Panel, Anti-infective Guidelines for Community-acquired Infections, 2013 edition, is a Canadian resource that represents a mix of health professionals with expertise in several fields, and who practise in a variety of clinical settings.
MOHLTC – Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
PHO – Public Health Ontario
OHA – Ontario Hospital Association
PHAC – Public Health Agency of Canada
CDC – Centre for Disease Control
CIPHI – Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
CFIA – Canadian Food Inspection Agency
CATIE – Canada’s source for HIV and hepatitis C information
PIDAC – Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee
SOGC – The Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians of Canada
Echinoccoccus multilocularis infection
Encephalitis, post-infectious, vaccine-related, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, unspecified
Escherichia coli (E. coli), Verotoxin-producing (VTEC), infection, including Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS): SEE: Verotoxin-producing E. coli infection, including Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS).