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Childhood Diseases

Designed as a resource for schools and child care centres, this poster provides general guidance on common childhood infections, including; how the illness is spread, how to recognize the illness, when it is contagious, and when a child should be excluded. The poster also reviews the requirements for reporting to the Health Unit. Notify the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit if there is a higher than usual number of cases of any disease. A health care provider should be consulted for diagnosis and recommendations or advice.

To report a communicable disease, or for more information, call the Health Unit at 1-800-660-5853 and ask to speak to a public health nurse or public health inspector on the Infectious Disease team. Health care providers, schools and child care centres can also report designated reportable diseases using the Reportable Disease Notification Form.

Click the link above to view the print-friendly version of the resource, or click the specific disease below to view the web version.

Chickenpox *

Diarrhea and Vomiting *

Ear Infection

Fifth Disease

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease


Influenza *

Measles *

Meningitis *


Mumps *

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)

Rubella *

Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever

Whooping Cough *

* Designated Reportable Diseases

Additional Information

Additional information for Educators on reportable diseases, immunization, and oral health is available here.

Infection control resources (including outbreak management) for Child Care Providers are available on the Preventing and Managing Illnesses page.


Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Canadian Pediatric Society

MOHLTC Infectious Diseases Protocol 2022