Chickenpox – Information & Resources for Childcare/School Settings
* Designated Reportable Disease
This information is intended as a general guide. Consult a health care provider for diagnosis, recommendations and/or advice. Notify the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit if there is a higher than usual number of cases of any disease in your setting. Childcare settings and schools are to report to the Health Unit via the Health Unit’s Online Chickenpox Reporting Form. Health Care Providers are required to report all cases of chickenpox, using the Reportable Disease Form or by calling a Public Health Nurse or Public Health Inspector on the Infectious Disease Team at 1-800-660-5853. This disease is vaccine preventable.
Contact with blister fluid or saliva of an infected person.
Can also spread through the air; enters the body through the nose or mouth.
A pregnant woman can pass it on to her baby before birth.
Incubation period *2–3 weeks
*Incubation period = Time between contact with disease and start of symptom.
Begins with a fever, then an itchy red rash develops and quickly turns into fluid filled blisters.
Blisters dry and scab over usually within 5 days.
Usually 1–2 days before the appearance of rash and until all blisters are crusted over; usually 5 days.
For child care and schools, report to the Health Unit via the Health Unit’s online reporting form.
Child can return to school when fever is gone and child feels well enough to participate in normal activities (regardless of the state of rash).
Pregnant and immunocompromised individuals should be informed of possible exposure and advised to consult with a health care provide.