* Designated Reportable Disease
This is intended as a general guide. Consult a health care provider for diagnosis and for recommendations or advice. Notify the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit if there is a higher than usual number of cases of any disease. To report a case of Meningitis, use the Reportable Disease Form or call a public health nurse or public health inspector on the Infectious Disease team at 1-800-660-5853. This disease is vaccine preventable and is caused by bacteria or viruses.
How it Spreads
Direct contact with secretions from nose or throat of an infected person (sharing dishes, toothbrushes, mouth guards, kissing).
Complication from a viral illness; germs in stool (poop) of an infected person can spread to another person’s mouth through unclean hands.
How to Recognize
Fever, fatigue, drowsiness, reduced consciousness, irritability, fussiness, agitation, severe headache, vomiting, stiff neck, pain when moving head or neck, joint pain, seizures, loss of appetite, skin rash (red dots that do not disappear when pressed).
When it is Contagious
7 days before symptoms begin to 24 hours after the start of appropriate antibiotics regardless of immunization status.
When to Report/Exclude
Report to the health unit immediately.
Exclude from child care and school for at least 24 hours after the start of antibiotics.