Reprocessing CPAP Equipment
June 14, 2019
The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit has followed-up on complaints from the public regarding a concern about the risk of infection from the re-use of CPAP trial equipment from local businesses. In the interest of preventing any health problems, the Health Unit encourages the use of Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Best Practices in the reprocessing of CPAP equipment. Outlined below is the Health Unit’s role in investing and responding to infection prevention and control lapses.
Reprocessing of CPAP Trial Equipment
Any medical equipment that is shared with multiple patients or clients must be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the Manufacturer’s Instructions for Use and in accordance with the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC) Best Practice documents. Below are some resources to ensure reprocessing is done according to IPAC Best Practices:
Infection Prevention and Control Lapses
In January 2018, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care released the Infection Prevention and Control Complaint Protocol. Under this protocol, health units are mandated to follow-up on all complaints related to infection prevention and control to assess the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, and to determine the appropriate response.
If the Health Unit finds that an infection prevention and control lapse has occurred, the setting will be required to stop certain practices until changes are made to meet current IPAC best practices. The Health Unit has the authority to close down the service site until the issue(s) is/are resolved, if needed. The Health Unit will re-inspect the site to ensure IPAC best practices are being followed before certain practices are allowed to resume.
If the investigation reveals that individuals may have been exposed to a blood borne illness, then the Health Unit will work with the setting to notify people who may have potentially been exposed, and facilitate access to testing and counselling.
The Health Unit is required to inform the public of all Infection Prevention and Control lapses. Reports are posted on the Health Unit’s website and remain posted on the website for two years.