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November 2019 – Secondary School E-Bits

For Educators

Let’s Talk About Money

We all need money to provide the basics for living. This includes, at a minimum, money for housing – a place to call home, for food that will fuel our body and mind with energy, health and joy, for clothing, a phone to stay connected, a way to get work or school, for leisure activities, and for prescribed medications when needed. The follow initiatives can assist people in our community living on low incomes to have the basics for living:

  • Become a Living Wage Employer
  • Apply for a Canada Learning Bond
  • Apply for Government Subsidies and Tax Credits

For more information on health, visit, or call 1-800-660-5853.

For Families

Does screen time turn into scream time in your household?

Looking for tips to help your child learn good screen time habits?

  1. Limit screen use. Start by:
    • having times in the day that are “screen free” such as before bedtime or during supper.
    • keeping screen use to certain rooms of the house, such as the living room or family room
  2. Encourage other activities, like getting outside or meeting up with friends.
  3. Be a good role model. What does your screen use tell your children?

Register for our Triple P Café on “Screentime Use” at

For more parenting tips, visit, call 1-800-660-5853, or email [email protected]. Parenting Matters!