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Recreational Camp Safety Plan Requirements

Every year 14 days before opening or operating a recreational camp, the operator of a camp shall develop and submit a camp safety plan in writing to the Medical Officer of Health.

The camp safety plan shall include:

  1. Procedures of maintaining records regarding campers, including their name, address and emergency contact. (please include a copy of sample record forms)
  2. Procedures for maintaining a record of health and safety incidents that occur in the camp.
  3. The camp safety plan shall include, at a minimum:
    • Communicable disease control
    • Fire safety
    • A description of land-based and water–based activities at the camp
    • Identification of the risks of those activities and a strategy to control and minimize those risks including supervision if appropriate.
    • Waterfront safety, including the availability of safety equipment and communication devices and procedures.
    • A list of all camp staff members who have a current first aid certificate
    • The minimum ratio of camp staff members to campers ensuring that the ratio is maintained at all times while the camp is in operation.
    • If the recreational camp has campers who are less than 13 years of age or campers with special needs, the operator must ensure that the campers are under continuous supervision of a staff camp member who has experience in the leadership and supervision of children.
    • All health and safety incidents that occur in the recreational camp shall be recorded in accordance with procedures in the camp safety plan.

The above items are the minimum requirements for the camp safety plan; you may add any additional items that are suitable for your camp.

If you have any questions regarding the camp safety plan please contact your Public Health Inspector.