Smoking/Vaping & the Law
Smoke-Free Ontario Act
The Smoke-free Ontario Act, 2017 deals with the sale/supply of tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes and its components. The Act also sets the restrictions for where Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes and Cannabis can be consumed in public places and workplaces.
Please see the links below to request signage, report an incident or complaint, or request more information.
- Request for Smoke-Free Signage
- Smoking/Vaping School Incident Report
- Smoke-Free Ontario Request for Service/Complaint Report
- Be in the Know! No Smoking/No Vaping on School Property Resource
For more information on the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 here is the information provided on the Ontario Ministry of Health website.
The New Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 is broken down in different sections and explained in clear language within the fact sheets listed below.
- How the Act Affects: Post-Secondary Institutions
- How the Act Affects: Child Care Centres and Home Child Care
- How the Act Affects: Community Recreational Facilities
- How the Act Affects: Duty Free Retailers
- How the Act Affects: Enclosed Public Places
- How the Act Affects: Enclosed Workplaces
- How the Act Affects: Flavoured Tobacco Products
- How the Act Affects: Flavoured Vapour Products
- How the Act Affects: Government Buildings and Properties
- How the Act Affects: Residential Hospices
- How the Act Affects: Hospitals and Hospital Properties
- How the Act Affects: Hotels, Motels and Inns
- How the Act Affects: Traditional Use of Tobacco by Indigenous Persons
- How the Act Affects: Tobacco Manufacturers
- How the Act Affects: Vapour Manufacturers and Wholesalers, and Distributors
- How the Act Affects: Smoking and Vaping in Vehicles and Boats
- How the Act Affects: Multi-Unit Dwellings
- How the Act Affects: Children’s Playgrounds
- How the Act Affects: Residential Care Facilities
- How the Act Affects: Restaurants and Bars including Patios
- How the Act Affects: Tobacco and Vapour Product Retailers
- How the Act Affects: Schools
- How the Act Affects: Specialty Vape Stores
- How the Act Affects: Sporting Areas
- How the Act Affects: Tobacconists
- How the Act Affects: Waterpipe Use in Enclosed Public Places, Enclosed Workplaces, and Other Places or Areas