Second-Hand/Smoke-Free Housing
Protecting Everyone From Second-Hand Smoke
Second-hand smoke is a toxic mix of smoke from the burning tip of a lit cigarette, cigar, pipe or other tobacco products and the smoke exhaled from the person smoking. Second hand smoke contains many known cancer causing chemicals.
Restrictions on exposure to second hand smoke in workplaces and public places are found in Ontario under the Smoke-free Ontario Act. See the Smoking/Vaping and the Law page for more information on where people are protected from the effects of second hand smoke
Local municipalities may have more restrictive by-laws in place further restricting exposure to second-hand smoke in workplaces and public places.
Smoke-Free Housing
Smoke-Free Housing Ontario is about helping to increase options for smoke-free living. Demand for smoke-free environments is on the rise. Ontarians are protected from second-hand smoke in virtually all enclosed workplaces and public places, yet many remain unwillingly exposed in their own homes as a result of smoke from neighbouring units.