Weekly Beach Results
24 local beaches will be monitored weekly throughout the summer season from the end of June to the end of August.
The public beaches that are being tested in the north area are:
On the Mississippi River: Pakenham Beach, Almonte Beach, Centennial Park and Riverside Park Beaches (Carleton Place)
In the Township of Lanark Highlands: Dalhousie Lake Beach (McDonald’s Corners), Roberston Lake Beach (Lavant); Clyde River Waterfront Park Beach (Lanark Village); Robb’s Lake Beach (Tatlock)
On the Rideau River: Rideau Ferry Yacht Club, Smiths Falls Junior and Senior Beaches; Merrickville Beach
The public beaches that are being tested in the south area are: Bellamy Park Beach in Toledo; Foley Mountain Beach in Westport; Joel Stone Beach in Gananoque; Kelly’s Beach in Prescott; Kendrick’s Park Beach in Lyndhurst; Lower Beverly Lake beach in Delta; Lyn Valley Park Beach in Lyn; Campbell Street Beach in Portland; Sandy Bay Beach in Charleston Lake; Sand Lake Beach in Westport; South Crosby Beach; St. Lawrence Park Beach in Brockville.
Testing the water for bacteria is one factor used to determine water quality. The quality of surface water is changeable so the Health Unit advises bathers and swimmers that before they visit a local beach, think about other issues that may affect the quality and safety of the water, such as heavy rain in the area within 24 hours and water fowl droppings in the water or on the beach as these may contribute to high bacteria levels. Other variables, which are assessed and evaluated, are the presence of a blue-green algae bloom, accidental spills that may pollute the water and any safety issue that could affect the health of the bathers.
What Do the Beach Results Mean?
OPEN – The latest bacterial test of the water indicated acceptable levels of bacteria and can be used for swimming and other recreation purposes.
CAUTION – The water is not recommended for swimming. The latest bacterial tests of the water indicated unacceptable levels of bacteria.
CLOSED – DO NOT USE The beach is closed for recreational use due to an identified health hazard/condition that makes the beach unsafe for use.
N/A – Results are not available.
The beach results are updated once weekly throughout the summer season.
While the Health Unit strives to alert swimmers when conditions are not suitable for swimming, the public must be aware that conditions may change, and that there is always a level of risk when swimming in untreated water.
- Cloudy water from high winds causing waves or following a heavy rainfall can be an indication of high levels of bacteria which may pose a health and safety risk as you may be unable to see what is in the water.
- Shallow, sheltered and warm water may also contain high levels of bacteria.
- If there are a high number of geese or bird feces on the beach we would recommend not swimming as often time the feces from the birds will contaminate the water.
- Dirty water from storm sewers and the streets that washes into the river or lake after a rain storm.
- Faulty or overwork septic systems, agricultural runoff and sewage treatment plant bypasses.
- Blue-green algae are tiny, plant-like organisms that also can be found in ponds, rivers, lakes and streams. Blooms usually appear in late summer and in the early fall especially in areas where the water shallow, slow moving and warm however blooms can also be found in deeper, cooler water. They can cause skin rashes if you come in contact with it, as well as stomach issues if you drink it. They can also be toxic to pets. Blue-green algae blooms can range from green, blue, and even red and yellow. They can be cloudy, even foamy or soapy or look like a film on the water.
Beach Results
Beach water testing has ended for the 2024 season and will resume next year, in June 2025.
Think about factors that may affect the quality/safety of the water before you visit a local beach (heavy rain in the area within 24 hours and water fowl droppings in the water/on the beach may contribute to high bacteria levels).