Needle Syringe & Safer Inhalation
Smart Works Program

Needle Syringe Program

The Needle Syringe Program provides individuals in the community who inject substances with free equipment and confidential services at all Smart Works locations.
Individuals can take new, single use equipment for injection drug use, such as:
- Needles for injection drug use
- Needles for steroids use – for more information go to the steroid page
- Syringes
- Alcohol swabs
- Cookers (spoons)
- Filters
- Acidifiers and,
- Tourniquets
Safer Inhalation Program (SIP)
The Safer Inhalation Program provides individuals in the community who smoke substances with free equipment and confidential services at all Smart Works locations.
Individuals can take new equipment for inhalation drug use, such as:
- Straight pipes
- Bowl pipes
- Screens
- Mouth pieces
For Straight Pipes:
Equipment/Sharps Disposal
For more information on needles and sharps disposal please visit our Needle Disposal and Safety page.
Smart Works Program Services
The Smart Works Program can provide assistance with referrals, counselling, and education such as:
- Substance use information
- Treatment referral options
- Referrals for other community agencies (ie. Housing, LLGAMH, Methadone Maintenance)
- Naloxone training and kit and,
- Safer sex information
Safer Crystal Meth Smoking Pamphlet
Contact Information
If you would like more information about our Harm Reduction program, you can email us at: [email protected] or call 1-800-660-5853 and ask for Harm Reduction.