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Community Resources for Youth

If you are in crisis or worried about someone you know, call or text 9-8-8, toll-free, anytime, for support.

The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit does not provide mental health counselling or treatment services. Use our list to see the different types of mental health services available in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark County.

Youth Programs

  • Girls Inc. of Upper Canada: Provides girls with trusting, mentoring relationships; a girls-only environment, and research-based, hands-on programming to help girls lead healthy lives, succeed academically, and have life skills that prepare them for adulthood.
    • Call: 613-345-3295 extension 102
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Facebook/Twitter/Instagram @GirlsIncUC
  • YMCA of Eastern Ontario: Offers a full range of youth recreational programs such as basketball, dance and karate (Brockville) that take place in safe, non-competitive environments where everyone is treated equally and in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Teen Night, Teen Drop-In, and Work Hard Eat Well programs are three programs you can learn more about here.
    • Hours: Vary depending on program.
    • Call: 613-342-7961
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters: Provides direct service to children by matching volunteers and youths in quality mentoring relationships.
  • RNJ Youth Services: Support children, youth (8–17) and their families in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark. They provide a number of services to: help and support in overcoming challenges such as involvement with police or the justice system, get connected to help, support learning, help to make informed choices about substances and make good decisions. They also like to have fun!
    • Call: 613-342-4238 (Brockville) or 613-284-8304 (Smiths Falls)
    • Instagram @rnjyouth
    • Facebook: /rnjyouthservices

Resources for Parents/Families and Caregivers

  • Triple P: A parenting program, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. For all families with children from 0–16.
  • PLEO Parents’ Lifelines: A non-profit organization helping parents of children to age 25 facing mental health, addiction, or behavioural challenges.
    • Call: 1-855-775-7005
  • Carebridge Community Support: If you know someone in Lanark County who needs help with shopping, meals, or are simply feeling isolated, overwhelmed or alone, let them know.
  • School Mental Health Ontario: Provides mental health resources for students, parents and families, as well as, helpful links