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COVID-19 Information

October 5, 2023

Are you experiencing a cough, sniffles, sore throat or other cold-like symptoms? Respiratory illness season brings a whole variety of symptoms. Experiencing any symptoms that cannot be explained by another condition or diagnosis (usual to you), means you should complete the Ontario screening for COVID-19 and other respiratory symptoms, and follow the guidance this provides. This screening is not just for COVID-19! What symptoms should I look for? What is the current public health guidance? More info can be found here.

We can’t repeat this simple message enough; “Stay home when sick”. What does this actually mean, and what do you need to know? For information about signs and symptoms, screening tools, isolation, vaccination and treatment options, the Government of Ontario website has all of the information you need.

Looking to do a self-assessment for COVID-19 or other respiratory illness? Find the self-assessment tool here.

For General information about assessment, testing and treatment, please visit Health811 – Health811 (

Assessment for Respiratory- Like Symptoms

  • Contact your Primary Care Provider (Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner) or;
  • An urgent Care clinic (in – person or virtual) or;
  • For urgent health care concerns, your local Emergency Department

Get a rapid antigen tests for at home use

Antiviral Treatment of COVID-19