Board of Health Roles
The Roles of the Board of Health are:
- To provide oversight to the direct the development and implementation of the Health Unit Strategic Plan, including the mission, philosophy, organizational vision, goals and objectives.
- To ensure compliance with the Public Health Organizational Standards.
- To ensure that the Chief Executive Officer manages the agency in an effective and efficient manner, following Provincial guidelines and Board policy.
- To provide leadership and advocacy on behalf of public health issues.
- To represent the community of Leeds, Grenville and Lanark, either as municipal appointees, or as provincial appointees.
- To be accountable to the community and the respective funding bodies for the activities of the Health Unit.
- To select the Chief Executive Officer of the Health Unit.
- To nominate candidates to the Minister of Health for provincial appointees to the Board of Health.
- To establish and maintain linkages with other health, environmental and social service agencies, on a district, regional and provincial basis.
- To support the provincial association (Association of Local Public Health Agencies).
- To assist in the identification of community health issues.
- To participate on Board committees, task forces and Advisory committees.